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Lymington CE Infant School

  • Global Neighbours

                    We were absolutely delighted to be one of the first Infant schools nationally to have achieved our Bronze Global Neighbours Award.
    Global Neighbours is an accreditation scheme to support, recognise and celebrate global learning in schools.
    The Global Neighbours scheme inspires children to engage in social action
    and to be courageous advocates for change in their local, national and global communities.

    Please take a look at our Global Neighbours School Assessment Report

    School Assessment Report        Global Display

    Global Neighbours across the curriculum

    Our curriculum ensures that all children have opportunities to think about their role as a Global Neighbour across all aspects of their learning.

    Lymington Infant Curriculum Overview for Global Citizenship

    Lymington Infant Worship Overview for Global Citizenship

    Year 2 Rowathon


      Year Two put in a fantastic effort raising money and awareness for the RNLI by having a Rowathon event.
    Everyone had a go, even some of the teachers!  The children raised an amazing sum of £464!
    The children decided to raise money for this charity after learning about lifeboats in their Titanic topic and after a special visit from an RNLI visitor.

    Year 1 Animal Dress Up


     As part of their Science topic Year 1 learnt about animals and visited Marwell Zoo. They discussed endangered animals such as tigers and polar bears and felt that they wanted to do something to help the current issue. As a year group they discussed what they wanted to do and researched the WWF. They then wrote a letter to the school and visited class worships to tell Year 2 and Year R more about the issue. The children managed to raise £181 and decided they wanted to use the money to adopt two animals and donate the rest to the WWF. 

    Letter to Parents


    Reception Fair Trade Cake Sale              

    Reception have been busy learning about where the ingredients we use in our cooking sessions are grown! The children where surprised to see how much effort the farmers put into growing all these ingredients. The children decided they wanted to support the farmer’s efforts and started investigating the work of Fairtrade. The children walked to the local supermarket to see how many Fairtrade foods they could buy. The children found many foods that are supported by Fairtrade including Bananas, Chocolate, Sugar, Honey and Coffee.

                                                   Fairtrade cake sale                                    


    The children baked many sweets treats including Banana muffins, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Honey Flapjack and Coffee Cake! They hosted a cake sale to raise money and awareness for Fairtrade and raised just over £70! The children now love spotting Fairtrade stickers when they are shopping with their own families.

     Meet our School Council


    Please click on the image below to find out more about our school council. 


    Meet our Eco Team

    Please click on the image below to find out more about our eco team. 




    Greetings to Glasgow

    We took part alongside other local schools in an initiative to send a postcard to the COP26 meeting for climate change in Glasgow.
    Some of the postcards were made into a banner which was displayed at the conference.

    We were very proud of our children for making their voices heard. The children’s boats  were part of a fleet
                                                                                of prayer boats who wanted to stand up for climate justice.                                                                                                               

    Prayer Boats

     In a joint Christian Aid project with St Thomas’ Church, the children made prayer boats and wrote their own   prayers. These prayers were about their hopes and fears of climate change. The boats accompanied thousands of others on a journey to the world leaders in Glasgow for the COP 26 meeting. 

    Empowering the next generation to be agents of change

    Being a good Global Neighbour is more than just feeling sorry for people who are suffering from misfortune – it is about making
    a difference to their lives.  One way this can be done is through courageous advocacy.

    Find our more about Global Neighbours below:

    Global Neighbours Scheme