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Lymington CE Infant School


The Governors are now consulting on the admission arrangements for 2026/27.  The consultation runs from now until 31st January 2025.  If you wish to comment on the proposed policy, please email your comments to the school’s admissions consultant, Mrs Jo Glenton at academy.schooladmissions@gmail.com before 31st January 2025.  Any comments received will then be passed to the Governors for consideration.

For the 2026/27 proposed admissions policy, please click here.

Applying for a school place (for a child starting school)

Lymington Infant School is a two form entry infant school. This means we admit 60 children a year. While we are a Church School, in line with our values of Love, Courage and Respect, the admissions criteria aim to give equal access to all. Children usually start school in the Autumn term after their fourth birthday. We are happy to consider applications from outside our catchment area. 

We warmly invite parents to come and look around our lovely school. We are able to offer individual tours for prospective parents. If you would like to arrange a visit or ask for any advice, please do contact the school office on 01590 673355 or email us at admin@lymington-inf.hants.sch.uk

For the 2024/2025 admissions policy, please click here.

For the Admissions Appeal Timetable 2024, please click here

 School Catchment Area Finder


Applying a for a school place ‘Out of Round’

An in-year admission is when a child needs an immediate school place during the school year. 

 Applications can be made using the link below.

Further information about applying for a school place can be found on     Hampshire County Council website